Make Our Life A Dream

Make Our Life A Dream

About Me

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I'm a normal boy, who is not 100% excellent in every thing. But i have a excellent aim for my life, to get ready for any problem i will face. This is to change my Human Revolution in myself. In addition, by this blog i will share every thing i has seen & read to all of you in here. In every month i will try my best to update every thing about peace, culture & education. In the mean time i will share about my life in the past & present moment. In conclusion,by this blog i hope every one of you here can take a opportunity to learn & take action in your everyday life style.In the end to create a peace world together.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Youth make a great vow

There is a time for everything. Youth is a time for construction - a time to set course for one's entire life - one that is either headed towards brilliant triumph or one that runs into miserable defeat.

In reality, it is extremely difficult to stick to one's determination - to stay on course and keep moving forward. "Even if you have the tendency to make a determination but only stick to it for two or three days, it is okay as long as you keep refreshing that determination" told by Daisaku Ikeda president of SGI.

The depth of our vow then becomes a measure of our resolve to break though any obstacles we encounter. The great vow to realize kosen-rufu, which to exert ourselves for the happiness of the people. To achieving this great vow will require nothing less than challenging ourselves wholeheartedly & courageously. This is as well Daisaku Ikeda president of SGI wise.

The time has come for the youth to stand up & make a great vow. There is no better time that now!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mt. Fuji & The Poet

An immovable Mt.Fuji
Stand in my heart.

Beautiful & vivacious,
Mt. Fuji stands
In triumphant pride.

Amid the cherry trees
blossoming at their peak,
breathing their perfume of peace,
blown by the south wind,
what it would be to walk & talk happily
with close friends.

Daisaku Ikeda.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mt. Fuji & The Poet

Be a person who does not not know defeat, like Mt.Fuji.

Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor & philosopher, said,
"Is there anyone who is afraid of change? What can be born without change?"

He was right. All things move from moment to moment & change.
There is nothing that does not fight back.
Change is an other name for battle.

Mr. Daisaku Ikeda's essay

Sensei's Guidance

Kebudayaan merupakan hasil gabungan terbaik antara individu dengan negara. Usaha kita mengembangkan aktiviti kebudayaan boleh juga dikatakan sebagai gerakan keamanan kerana pembaharuan kebudayaan merupakan bukti sebenar kebahagiaan manusia.

Harapan tidak akan wujud tanpa usaha. Orang yang berusaha gigih pasti dapat merintis jalan ke arah masa depan yang gemilang.

Pendidikan alam sekitar mempelajari kenyataan ekologi masa kini & cara-cara menjaga & melindungi alam sekitar.

By ,
Daisaku Ikeda.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sensei's Guidance

Semangat 'revolusi manusia' ini bersesuaian dengan penguasaan prinsip pertama Leonardo, 'keazaman penguasaan diri sendiri 'marilah menguasai & mewarisi prinsip pertama semangat peninggalan Leonardo serta menjadi warganegara dunia yang melampaui abad!

'Menggunakan otak untuk makan' bermakna berfikir dengan teliti sebelum makan.

Berani, tidak takut atau menafikan budaya & bangsa yang berlainan tetapi di sebaliknya menghormati bangsa lain untuk mengembangkan pergaulan dengan mereka.

Matlamat hidup - kebahagiaan
Cita-cita hidup - keamanan.
Mesti biarkan sejarah menuju ke arah kebahagiaan & keamanan.
Apa yang dicita-citakan oleh manusia ialah keamanan & kebahagiaan.

Persahabatan, kualiti semula jadi manusia. Kawan menjadi 'penyayang & peyenang hati ' orang yang bersengketa 'menjadi pengalak' untuk melampaui halangan,mengatasi kesusahan & melepasi keadaan yang sukar. Kawan juga bertindak sebagai 'daya pemikiran,pengetahuan & agama.'

Marilah kita mempraktikkan empat sifat baik mengikut ajaran confucius yang ideal iaitu; pertama,mentaati ibubapa; kedua, setia kepada pemerintah; ketiga, bersopan melayani kawan dan keempat, berbelas kasihan terhadap golongan yang lebih lemah daripada diri kita sendiri.

Tidak kira apa yang berlaku, jangan mengalah pada diri sendiri, jangan mengalah pada keadaan sekeliling & menghadapi cabaran itu untuk mencapai matlamat diri & menjadi seorang yang bersemangat.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sensei's Guidance

Apabila menghadapi kesusahan yang hebat,
anda mungkin berasa putus harapan & segala-galanya sudah berakhir,
anda terdorong untuk menyerah sahaja.
Walaubagaimanapun, anda mestilah jangan tewas kepada kesusahan yang begini dalam kehidupan.
Anda mesti menang. Jika anda sudah menang, anda akan mengingatkan hari-hari perjuangan hebat yang pernah anda lalui dengan penuh kepuasan.

Pada zaman muda, kita mesti belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh,
mesti melatih diri sendiri dengan giat.
Muda,masih sangat muda.Kita misti berlatih & terus melatih diri dengan giat.
Pertama,membaca & kedua menulis karya.

Membentuk & memelihara bumi.

"Bapa pendidikan Soka",Tsunesaburo Makiguchi berkata bahawa'Seribu kambing tidak dapat menandingi seekor singa'.Untuk membentuk 'singa' yang sebenar & individu yang cekal,inilah tujuan 'Pendidikan Soka'. Beginilah saya sendiri juga berjuang seorang diri berlandaskan 'Jiwa Soka' ini.
Saya berharap agar anda semua akan dibentuk menjadi individu yang tidak mudah menyerah & tidak mudah dipengaruhi, menjadi 'intelek belia' & 'wira belia' yang dapat berdiri tegak di barisan depan dalam perjuangan menuju abad ke-21.

Daisaku Ikeda.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


If human relationship are based on the idea of reward,
with the feeling that "I have done this much for this person,
so i expect him to do the same for me",
then this kind of relationship can only be fragile.

People who respect others are respected by others in return.
Those who are unstinting in their compassion & concern for others
are also protected & supported by others.
Our environment is essentially a reflection of ourselves.

Daisaku Ikeda

Saturday, July 3, 2010


If children do not feel genuinely loved & needed, their minds may become unstable.
I think that the love & affection children receive will become their source of strength for the rest of their lives.

If we sacrifice our growth & talent for love,
we absolutely will not find happiness.

Our hearts changes people.
Friendship changes people.
Travelers who pull their capes over their shoulders & brace themselves determinedly against the cold wind naturally relax & change their outlook & actions when warmed by the sun.

If we believe in Nam-myoho-renge-kyo (religion) ,
then we can be together with our loved ones in lifetime after lifetime.
Sometimes we may be related as parent & child, other times as husband & wife,
other times as siblings or close friends.
While the relationship may take various forms,
we can be confident that we will be born near each other again & again.

Daisaku Ikeda.

Friday, July 2, 2010


We need patience in order to become happy.
There are many who dream about happiness without being patient.
But that is merely a dream; it is a fairy tale.
It is to wish for a childish, easy life.
This illusion breaks up many marriages.
The pursuit of such happiness can only end in misery.

It is important for a couple to listen to each other.
Men in particular should listen to what women have to say.
It could be for anything-praising one another is what matters.
Nothing comes from pointing out the other person's faults.
That's just foolishness.

Daisaku Ikeda.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Ideal love is fostered only between two sincere, mature & independent people.
It is essential, therefore, that you make polishing yourself a priority & do not get carried away by romance.

A mind which attaches importance even to the slightest matters & which loves
& treasures even seemingly insignificant things can profoundly move people even through a small action.

Rather than becoming so love-struck that you create a world where only the two of you exist, it is much healthier to learn from those aspects of your partner that you respect & admire & continue to make efforts to improve & develop yourself.

Daisaku Ikeda.

Building a Culture of Peace For the Children of the World

Renewed confidence that a culture of peace is possible & a necessity for life on earth.
Where the culture of peace already exist in each of our hearts.

A Culture of Peace is a set of values, attitudes, modes of behavior and ways of life that reject violence & prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes & solving problems through dialogue & negotiation among individuals, groups & nations.

Barriers To Peace

Building a Culture of Peace For the Children of the World

"It is not the violence of a few that scares me.
It is the silence of the many"

By, Martin Luther King,Jr

Types of barriers to peace:
1.Environmental Irresponsibility
4.Nuclear Threat
5.The Illusion of "Efficiency"
7.Prejudice & Stereotyping

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Gosho study

Rainbow Group Study Material on 23/05/2010
By Ong Shih Shih

1) The journey from Kamakura to Kyoto takes twelve days, if you travel for eleven but stop with only one day remaining, how can you admire the moon over the capital?

2) Single-mindedly chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and urge others to do the same; that will remain as the only memory of your present life in this human world.

3) When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all affairs.

4) “Knowledge without faith” describes those who are knowledgeable about Buddhist doctrines but have no faith. These people will never attain Buddhahood. Those of “faith without knowledge” may lack knowledge but have faith can attain Buddhahood.



Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ensuring Human Security 2

What Does Security Mean To Me?

"The good we secure for ourselves is precarious & uncertain until it is secured for all of us & incorporated into our common life."
By Jane Addams

Human security begins with our basic needs.
People need to be safe.
People need people.
We need to be respected, to have self-respect & to respect others. We need access to love,culture ,faith.
We need a sense of contribution & purpose. We need the chance to reach our highest potential.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Words Of Peace

Noting is more barbarous than war,
Nothing is more cruel
And yet , the war dragged on.

Daisaku Ikeda

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Love (2)

If you genuinely love someone,
then through your relationship
with him or her, you can develop into
a person whose love extends to all humanity.
That sort of relationship strengthens
and enriches your inner realm.

The ideal love is the one that enables
each of the lovers to influence & enhance
the other's personality.

Josei Toda

Love (1)

True love arises
from two people's determination
to share their lives together,
and from the wisdom gained from
aspiring for the future.

It is important to love people,
to treasure everyone. To the extent that
we love others, we will be loved. To the extent
that we work for others' happiness, we will enjoy
protection & support. This is the law
of cause & effect. It is also the path
for developing our humanity.

Daisaku Ikeda

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ensuring Human Security

From a culture of Violence to a culture of Peace:Transforming the Human Spirit

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding."
By Ralph Waldo Emerson

In an increasingly interdependent world, we share responsibility for the security of all human beings. Nuclear weapons-the most destructive of all our tools of war-are at the peak of a pyramid of violence. Conflict & mistrust between communities, crime ,domestic violence & abuse-even the biting comment-are all part of the larger culture of violence.
Our challenge is to rise above-to stop the rapid buildup of arms & forever ban the most fearsome weapons in history.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Rainbow Group Study Material
By Kong Ling Hooi

Study material:人本世纪之光随笔第二集






持着“坚定信念” 和 “崇高人格”,勇敢打破这懦弱的心灵,就是“丈夫之心”。



Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Repaying Gratitude is the Fundamental Path of a Human Being

A human being must never forget about gratitude owed,
and must endeavour to repay such debts of gratitude at all cost.

A life filled with the repaying of gratitude
emits the radiance of the victory of a most noble soul as a human being!

In contrast, if one is ungrateful,
one would be lower than an animal.
One may look good for a while but ultimately,
driven insane by arrogance, vanity & jealousy,
one's life will take the course of destruction.

Among the many debts of gratitude,
the most important of all
is the debt of gratitude owed to one's teacher.

Those who have a sense of appreciation
towards their teachers will do everything
they can to repay their debt of gratitude.

Flow 475 Discussion Meeting Study Material

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sensei's Guidance

Agama merupakan "kesenian berdialog".
Dialog mengharmonikan, menambahkan pengetahuan serta mewujudkan keseragaman perasaan bagi orang yang bercakap & orang yang mendengar.
Dialog, tidak memerlukan tingkah laku yang khas.....sekarang menghargai orang yang berada di depan mata kita,
mendampinginya dengan tulus ikhlas - inilah asas dialog..... tidak kira siapa pendengarnya,
kita tetap tidak berubah..... dengan membekalkan pendirian ini,
kita melayani setiap orang dengan sepenuh jiwa & telah mengukirkan pelbagai kenangan dalam jutaan pertemuan.

Pendidikan pembangunan-memfokus perhatian kepada isu kemiskinan & keadilan global.

Buddha Sakyamuni pernah berkata bahawa mara ke depan bersama-sama kawan yang baik bukanlah "separuh perjalanan" dalam Buddhisme tetapi "seruluh perjalanan"nya.

Daisaku Ikeda.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Rainbow Group Study Material
By Teoh Ai Li

Study material: 人本世纪之光随笔 (第一集)
Contents: 广布就是让在社会工作的人们争取幸福的舞台

过去一年,面对经济萧条,我们在期待好转的同时, 也回复日常的题挑战和奋斗。大家在百忙中抽时间参加学会活动,为广宣流布奔走,实在尊贵。

户田先生经常说:“信心一人份,工作三人份。”如果只做“一人份” 的工作,很容易产生一种打工的根性,变得不负责任,认为只需要做好给予的工作就好。



Monday, January 18, 2010


17/01/2010 Rainbow Group Training Study Material
By Yeoh Ai Li

慈悲产生智慧,产生勇气。当我们立下要为全人类的幸福而奋斗这大目标时,我们自身当中会发挥出从未被发挥出来的力量;无穷的生命力,智慧,勇气, 让我们奋战到底。
御书云:“信奉法华经之人如冬,冬必为春。自昔未闻未见有冬尽秋来之事 ”。
在大自然的运行中, 本来就孕藏着能将严冬变为春天的力量。冬天之后必是春天;只要跨越寒冷的冬天,就会迎来温暖的春天。冬天就像是我们面对问题,挑战的时候;春天就是我们战胜问题,转换宿命的时候。不管我们现在正面对着什么问题,多么严苛的挑战,

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2009 Chinese New Year Culture & Heritage Celebration

This event was celebrated at Lebuh Acheh in the heritage precinct of Georgetown. On February 1,2009.
Theme of this event is "Malaysia,City of Culture".

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2/1/2010, Penang SGM Culture & Appreciation Night

That was a very fun & unforgettable day in my life. On this 2ND of Jan 2010, i was involve in this culture performance. The aim of this performance is to show our appreciation to people we love through culture dance & music.

With almost a year of training in my dance steps. First thing i will like to said, that i have learn allot about my life. I have learn, how & what is the meaning of appreciation to the people we love. When i think about appreciation, i will firstly think of my mother & father. They are my life, without them i will not be here for 20 years. They are the person who care for our live, study & future. Both of them really care & support my plan in education. With this culture night, i will like to send my appreciation to my parent. This is to said sorry, for every sad thing that i has done long ago. And a word thank you, for every good thing has done to me. So that now i can follow the right path of my human revolution.

Secondly, appreciation is given to my great mentor in my life. That is Daisaku Ikeda. Without this mentor i really will not be a person which i am who i am. This mentor has help thought guidance & his own human revolution story. To realise the correct path of faith, and how to apply into our life style. With this night of appreciation, i will like to said thank you to my mentor to be along with us. And i will put all my life for all human happiness, through peace ,culture & education. I will fight together with our mentor and change my human revolution.

Lastly, appreciation is also to my dear friends & dancer on that day.

Culture is not only a dance or a music. But culture is a dialog between human and human. This type of dialog is important in creating peace in our life. By using our body to show & to said something to the people around. This type of body language, it is also important to people disable. Tal Li Hua a deaf girl, said that a dance is required experience & feeling. And this show that, level of life style & physical condition of a person is not an important thing in culture.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Sensei's Guidance

Jika kita ingin belayar ke Lautan Pasifik & hendak
melakukan sesuatu kerja yang mulia,
kita akan menghadapi ribut taufan atau ombak besar.
Semasa menghadapi ribut taufan,
mungkin kapal akan rosak.
Pada masa ini, orang yang bersemangat berani & mara dengan
tidak mengelakkan diri ialah orang yang mulia.

Bagi remaja pada zaman ini,
tanggungjawab yang perlu kita lakukan ialah rajin menbaca.
Semasa menguasai asas kepercayaan,
pertama, kita harus memajukan pelajaran kita & keutamaan;
dengan ini, kita dapat mengimbangkan kepercayaan kita setiap hari.

Kebijaksanaan dalam memaham kesangkutpautan
semua penghidupan & kehidupan.

Tidak ada(benda) yang lebih bernilai daripada keamanan.
Tidak ada(benda) yang lebih bahagia daripada keamanan.
Keamanan merupakan matlamat yang paling utama bagi semua manusia.

Merosakkan alam semula jadi bermakna merosakkan
manusia kerana alam semula jadi ialah "kampung halaman" manusia.

Daisaku Ikeda.

Sensei's Guidance

Pertama sekali, biarlah kita meruntuhkan
pembatas dalam pemikiran kita.
Sebabnya, kita sendiri yang selalunya menentukan batasan
untuk diri sendiri.

Kedua, orang yang kehadirannya tidak
ada banyak bezanya,
ketiadaannya juga tidak ada banyak pengaruh.
Inilah "orang yang kehadiran & ketiadaannya adalah sama sahaja"

Ketiga, orang yang menyusahkan orang lain.
Ini bermakna, "orang yang kehadirannya sangat menyusahkan".

Daisaku Ikeda.